Named after Rishika Arundhati, the revered wife of the sage Vasishtha and the Hindu goddess of the sky, stars, and nighttime, this energy bracelet embodies divine inspiration and celestial beauty. Arundhati, renowned in Hindu mythology for her steadfast devotion and spiritual wisdom, symbolises balance, harmony, and the cosmic dance of energies.
This energy bracelet is meticulously crafted to harness these profound qualities. Each piece is carefully designed using materials selected for their dynamic, energetic properties. The bracelet undergoes a specialized energizing process to ensure it is charged with powerful, harmonious energy.
Wearing this bracelet is not just a fashion statement; it's a spiritual journey. It helps to restore and maintain the balance of your energies, aligning your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects. It serves as a constant reminder of Arundhati's divine qualities, inspiring you to seek balance and harmony in your own life. With this bracelet, you carry a piece of the night sky and the timeless wisdom of the stars, guiding you on your journey towards inner peace and spiritual enlightenment.