protection from buri nazar *

What is Buri Nazar?

“Buri nazar,” often translated as the “evil eye,” is a concept rooted in various cultures, particularly in South Asia, where it is believed that negative or envious thoughts directed towards a person can bring harm or misfortune.


How Does it Manifest? How Can I Protect Myself?

These harmful energies might manifest as sudden illness, bad luck, or an overall decline in well-being. To protect themselves, people commonly employ remedies such as wearing bracelets, amulets, or talismans, reciting protective prayers, or placing symbols like the black dot (nazar battu) on objects or individuals considered at risk. Atman Urja Evil Eye Bracelets are specially energised and made using evil eye charms for added protection.

key benefits

How Wearing Atman Urja Evil Eye Bracelet Helps

Good Luck

The bracelet protects from the negative energies of the nazar and brings good luck.

Removes Obstacles

You will find that all the obstacles and blockages you may have been facing get greatly reduced.

Restores Calm

Removes stress and anxiety from life. You will feel energised and full of life allowing you to achieve more.

Home and Family

While you wear the bracelet it also protects your home and family from evil eye/buri nazar.